I still have two spots open that I am needing to fill for my Equine Photography Workshop taking place on Saturday September 14. I realize that September is a tough month for many because of the kids going back in school.
Again, a reminder that this will be the ONLY half day workshop that I ever host that includes:
1) A theme (which will be "Portraiture" for this one).
2) Outdoor hands on practice.
Otherwise, my half day workshops are in class lecture, basic photography, indoor hands on only. So there is going to be a lot covered in this one and it will run at a bit faster pace than my workshops normally would, but I know where the limits are, so don't worry about too much info being given, in too short of a time span (which is one of the top complaints by many individuals, hence why they are overwhelmed).
It will be a ton of fun and anyone who is wanting to learn hands on from me this year, this will be a wonderful opportunity.
There should be a second workshop scheduled by the end of this year but no guarantees. All dependent on the weather and my schedule.
"Steven, I would love to attend but I don't have a camera, I use my smartphone as my camera."
That's fine! You do NOT need a fancy standalone camera to attend any of my workshops. I always recommend bringing one if you can (example: borrowing one from a friend or family member), but if you cannot, anyone can still benefit and learn many valuable things by attending my workshops with just their smartphone camera.
Cost: $150 plus GST per person.
Send me a message if interested, serious inquiries only please.