Here is Jonathan Field working his magic with his boy Armando from this past week. Make sure you turn your volume up. :)
What a sight and educational experience this was to take in. As you will see and hear in the video, it was outrageously windy out (easily a 100 km/h wind) which created challenges for the both of us.
Is this production perfect? No. The wind was so strong that it made panning of the camera extremely difficult, especially when simultaneously controlling boththe horizontal and vertical axis's. The wind also gave me a real scare because it initially killed the signal on our audio feed but after some troubleshooting I was able to quickly find a workaround to address it.
I will most definitely be having one of my assistants out with me next time to man a second camera. I was very much wanting to run my B-cam (second cam) for this video but time was a factor and I wanted to keep the set up time as minimal as possible, so I felt that I would do without it. Well, I deeply regret that decision - lesson learned. Yes I am extremely hard on myself but for good reason.
This is just the start of things to come from Jonathan and I.